Janelle Louisse Pimentel Bambao Photo
Know about this Hot pinay. Here are some of the infos from myfunnyprofile.com
What do I do on weekends
My View on eco consciousness
What I fear most in my life
Walking alone
Craziest thing I have ever done
Dated someone for more than 10 years
My View on how others feel
I don't care
Someone I want to Elumate
Am I afraid of heights
I am very scared
First Professional sporting event I went to
What I like about my school studies is
My Favourite day of the week
Have I ever faked sick
I did once
The number of kids I prefer having
More than Two
Have I ever written a love letter
I wrote many
How many tattoos do I have
More than two
What are the things that I never agree to
Talk bad about someone
My view of silence more meaningful than words
Am I good at climbing trees
May Be
Time I allocate to read online articles every week is
Less than 1 hour
How tall am I
My favorite genre of movies
What age did I start dating
I sleep with the TV on
I never cared for ito I sleep with the TV on
I never cared for ito I wear jewellery
A lot
How many moles do I have